Ross Hoddinott
Along with Mark Bauer, Ross founded Dawn 2 Dusk Photography in 2008. Ross began taking photos at a very young age and as a teenager decided to pursue a career as a landscape and natural history photographer. He has been working as a full-time professional since 1997, supplying photographs and undertaking commissions for a wide range of clients Worldwide.
He is a regular contributor to a number of photography magazines and the author of several best selling photography books – including The Landscape Photography Workshop, The Art of Landscape Photography, 52 Assignments: Landscape Photography and From Dawn to Dusk – Mastering the Light in Landscape Photography (all co-authored with Mark). He is a popular and highly experienced tutor, and has led workshops for The Royal Photographic Society, The Royal Horticultural Society and The Nikon School. He is a Nikon Alumni, a LEE Filters Master, Benro Pro Partner, and a Global Icon for F-Stop Gear. Ross is inspired by the rugged north Cornish coast, close to where he lives with his wife Felicity and three children. He is also a big Spurs fan, but please don’t hold that against him when you meet him!
For more information about Ross, visit: www.rosshoddinott.co.uk